Amish man driving a horse in harness, the horse's eyes show he's frightened and mouth is open against the tight reins.

To those who say it's “just a moment in time” to any image showing blatant abuse against the horse; here's 100 ‘moments in time' for you to briefly ponder.

These aren't once-in-a-lifetime moments, these are moments in each and every one of these horses lives. I can guarantee you that the photographers did not show up and capture the only time any of these horses have been pulled on, kicked, spurred, whipped, put into hyperflexion, frightened at the expense of a rider's selfish goals, or experiencing pain caused by their riders.

Still not convinced?

Here's the thing. Every time someone throws out that remark to excuse horse abuse, “moment in time”, I immediately believe they are likely defending this abuse because there is some connection between their own riding and that of whatever is being criticized.

What we don't see are any ‘moment in time' problems facing riders who put their horse's welfare and well-being first.

Horse abuse is not specific to any breed, sport, discipline or country. Horse abuse is specific to individual equestrians.

There is no such thing as a ‘moment in time', there are however many moments in our horses' lives that we are primarily responsible for shaping and controlling. The question then becomes, how are you shaping and controlling your own horses' lives if you feel the need to defend obvious abuses?

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    1. Was just thinking that myself. I really have trouble with a lot of activities some horses are made to do. Always have to remember that as intelligent as they are they can’t explicitly tell you that they don’t want to do something on occasions without acting in a way that may cause themselves or their rider harm.

  1. Unfortunately, so many of these scenes are so common in their respective sports that people hardly notice them any more – as witness the fact that many of these riders are top of their sport. Even if some of these were a ‘moment in time’, they are fully unacceptable moments! But you are dead on – they are never just a ‘moment’!

  2. I agree with so much of this and I really resonate with your message. That being said I have to remind the general public, as well as point out to fellow equestrians that not every single one of those pictures is horse abuse. I wasn’t there for each picture…maybe you, the author, could assure me one way or the other if you were in fact there. For example- just because a horse is chomping on the bit doesn’t mean it is being abused. Alternatively- just because a horse looks happy in the pasture every morning doesn’t mean it isn’t abused. At the end of the day a horse is a horse and it should always be respected. A horse also has a mind of its own and may rear, spook, buck or even over flex its neck to evade the bit. I don’t thing any of these things can altogether prove that a horse is being abused, or that any picture can prove it isn’t. I truly believe that no one gets away with anything and I always pray for justice for every single animal and person in this world. ✌️

  3. I want to start a petition for humane treatment of horses in film &TV. It upsets me to see the actors (many who can barely ride well) banging the horses in the mouth to halt them, many with severe bits with uneducated, heavy hands. In many scenes, the actor jumps on, cranking their horses around expecting a fast gait from a stanstill. Yes, there are films where this abusive riding doesn’t occur, yet these are the minority. I feel an unschooled actor who rides in films should be specifically informed about how sensitive horses mouths are. Please comment if a petition already exists in US. Thank you for reading and caring in humane fashion for our beloved equines!

  4. I like horseback riding, but not in this way, personal opinion, this kind of horseback riding like shows. When they running they become wild. By the by i’ve upload a video of training horse not sure they guy is tring to be funny or for real

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