Horse pushes his nose through the water while walking in a fountain and a girl in a blue dress steps off his back

In looking around, there seems a great wealth of images and video, articles and books, media and marketing; all of which demonstrating the use of the horse for human gain and purposes. The focus, the mindset, the intent is control and consumption of the horse – we ride, we travel, we tour, we compete, we battle, we seek to impress.

Why not work towards something more… meaningful?

It is true we have a long history with the horse as a means for travel, labor and the everyday functioning of our society. The horse is how conquistadors came to roam the America's when first landing. They enabled Gengis Khan to overtake Mongolia and much of Asia. Horses carried Attila the Hun.

Horse headed incarnation of Vishnu, god of India

The horse has stood as a symbol for our country through the Mustang, as herds are being depleted once again by the government in order to benefit ranchers and other commercial interests. The mustang was made a symbol of a favored car by many. The horse is used as a draw for crowds to buy a ticket to rodeos, international competitions, Arabian Knights style shows across the country, and even circuses. Miniature horses are now lending their talents to help guide the blind in place of dogs even.

And in all of this, the horse is still used for our purposes and all too often with disregard to him as a creature of equal standing to humans. If images could give a summary of the esteem and regard we hold our horses in as a society I could nearly walk away now for fear that there is little hope. At times it would seem that the images assume the onlooker to miss the fear, anxiety, distress and melancholy in the horse's eyes.

Portugeuse Rodeo

Breaking Horses

Pony rider reaches to catch a runaway horse on the race track

© Robert W Kelley -- LIFE

© Robert W Kelley -- LIFE

© Robert W Kelley -- LIFE

Rearing Horse

Trainer fined for whipping race horse

That is not all there is in horsemanship however, and I am happy that this is not the whole picture.

Icelandic Horse

Girl rides a pinto horse

Palomino miniature horse

Man feeds a horse

I was privy to participate in a great healing ceremony this week, taking part of many Native American traditions. During which I was reminded of the art of honoring and thanking. Today I feel more connected to everything, the earth, the people in my life – both close and new. Even the plants and particularly the animals. Maybe today is a good time to look towards our horses and say thank you, and give them honor for all that they give us in return.

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  1. it made me really sad to see these photographies of horses in distress, not understaning, fighting it…thank you for adding the optimistic ones after, it fills me with hope..:o)

  2. Where in this wide world can man find nobility without pride
    Friendship without envy, beauty without vanity?
    Here, where grace is laced with muscle,
    And strength by gentleness confined.
    He serves without servility, he has fought without enmity,
    There is nothing so powerful, nothing less violent,
    There is nothing so quick, nothing more patient.
    England’s past has been borne on his back.
    All our history is his industry;
    We are his heirs, he is our inheritance.

    Robert Duncan

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