Young girl holding the reins of her roan pony while sitting on a log dressed in pink

I'm not really certain how to give this post a dignified or pretty introduction. I have sold almost all of my horses, the ones who were closest to me, whose relationship's depth knew no limit, were among the first to be sold. People have always wanted my two best riding horses – not only their training but their beautiful personalities drew people in from all disciplines and were immediately acknowledged with ooh's and aah's and “oh what a sweetheart!”

For anyone who has never had to let go of their horses I will tell you it truly breaks your heart. I have been in relationships with people before which have ended and never brought me an ounce of how much hurt letting go of one of my horses has. I am not writing this to expound on my hurt feelings though, but instead to point out what I have been learning in this process.

I have learned that no matter what, horses will always be the greatest love in my life, the greatest passion and the driving force behind my happiness.

I have learned that it was never showing, competing or even riding my horses which brought me that happiness. It was simply interacting with them in any regard – just finding their favorite scratching spot meant as much to me as any shallow training achievement.

I have learned that letting go of my horses does not mean I've stopped loving them. That I can let them bring happiness to other people without forgetting the great friendship I've had the pleasure of knowing with them.

I have also learned that there are only a few people who truly understood just how much I loved my horses, how deeply I appreciated them and that they will always be more to me than just ‘pets' or some form of recreation to me.

With that, I have also learned that there are many wonderful people out there with big hearts that I have been able to share my horses with and entrust to. People who I will be eternally grateful to for the love they can give back.

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