Horse Hiding Behind the Trees

Every single one of us needs to be nurtured by an inspirational equestrian from time to time. Riding horses, whether you are conscious of it or not, is an art form – and like all artists there is something to be said for inspiration in order for us to be at our best. In our ever vigilant quest for perfection it is easy to miss those small nuggets of wonderful from inspirational equestrians that are out there, waiting for us to notice them. Without further ado, I offer up 3 random, yet equally worthy, INSPIRATIONAL EQUESTRIANS!

Ivy Schexnayder

Ivy and Jackson

I read the Classical Dressage yahoo group where Ivy posts frequently asking questions and showing her progress through video. She rides this wonderful Quarter Horse named Jackson and I readily watch every video she sends to the group. In some ways she reminds me of myself, but in all ways she encompasses the spirit that I hope to always approach my horses with. Together they are doing really incredible things, which is why she is on my list of Inspirational Equestrians. This video is a culmination of a year of video clips rolled into one, and at the end the piaffe work is just lovely.

Visit Ivy's Website

Anja Beran

Anja Beran Classical Dressage

Anja Beran, a student of Marc de Broissia, Manuel Jorge de Oliveira (seen riding with Anja in the many online videos) and Luís Valença, is without a doubt an inspirational equestrian. She has a thorough background in Classical Equitation / Dressage and it shows. What I love a great deal in her work is the obvious relaxation and correctness of work. All things are done in lightness and thus appear seamless.

Visit Anja Beran's Website

Editing Carl Hester out of the group. For a time I liked his style, until it became obvious he was “drinking the kool-aid” of hyperflexion. Now he's barred from my personal accolades. Have a recommendation of who should take his spot on the list? Post them in the comments below.

Carl Hester

Carl Hester aboard Uthopia

Recently I compared Carl Hester's style of riding to that of Edward Gal, needless to say Edward Gal is not one of my inspirational equestrian references. I quite like a quote of Carl Hester's – “You can’t blame your family for everything,” which I see as an extraordinary ability to take responsibility for your own life and its direction without blaming every fall or scrape on your upbringing. There are few Dressage Competitors at his level that I can bear to watch ride, but his rides have gone on to make me smile in enjoyment. Carl Hester has a sort of repertoire with his horses that is not commonly seen in the sport, and in doing so has earned a place in my heart as an inspirational equestrian.

What inspirational equestrians push you to go out and become a better rider?

I love discovering and adding to my list of Inspirational Equestrians and would enjoy finding out who inspires you!

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  1. Thank you ! Love what you are doing -by promoting the “good guys” it helps to evolve awareness in our sport.

    Feel free to share what you are doing in the group and in any other groups I moderate. I am totally on board with this philosophy.

    Mary Ann

  2. I’m just discovering your blog and have thoroughly enjoyed looking through it this morning! I may have missed earlier comments somehow- surprised not to see more on this thread, but just had to mention my “inspirational equestrian” Mary Werning. Mary is not only my instructor, but is also a dear friend, and is one of the people that I admire most as rider, trainer and most of all, horsewoman. She is a one of very few certified students of SRS Oberbereiter Karl Mikolka and Mary’s philisophies are much like Karl’s. To copy a bio from one of the websites that describes her clinic sessions, (because their description is better than anything I could think of in describing her 🙂 “She has a willingness to teach anyone who sincerely wants to learn to become a better trainer, rider and horseman. She has a tremendous love and respect for horses. That love as well as her intuitive skills guide her in her lessons and training sessions. Her primary goals for the horse are to create a relaxed and well schooled horse…..with soundness and proper conditioning being key to developing an athlete that is light on the aids and beautiful to ride and watch. When it comes to the rider, Mary’s emphasis is teaching the proper aids and what to expect from them. Her goal for the rider is to create a confident, thinking, elegant and effective rider that has great feel for the horse…..both a mental and physical connection.” I have to also mention Bruce Anderson and the work that he does with horses, not necessarily as a rider, but as a trainer, both of horses and their people. Bruce’s work is on the mindset, introducing a mindset that he calls “Alpha” (how can I help you) as opposed to “tyrant” (do what I tell you to do). Both of these people have been inspiring to me in my journey as not only a horsewoman, but a person.

    Thanks for posting~ I’ll enjoy reading!

  3. Dominique Barbier is my suggestion. He supports Classical French Dressage with focus on limiting the aids given to the horse and the gentleness needed to have true connection with the horse.

    1. Thank you for the suggestion M.O., I’ll have to put together another post of more inspirational riders/trainers/teachers. 🙂

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