This is what a dressage horse ought to look like - balanced, energetic yet calm, elevated throughout the body and nose in a natural line from the poll and neck.

We're all in need of some visual inspiration, here are a few rides to get you ready for the weekend by visualizing what is dressage.

Mestre Nuno Oliveira sheds some light on the piaffé

To this student of mine I ask to mobilize the horse, slowly at the walk, in a half pass to the right. Next she will half pass to the left, she is mobilizing the horse in a manner that once the horse reaches the wall is in a state that then I can come behind him and calmly with my stick, help the horse to do his piaffé there, calmly exactly to relax all the muscles.

The piaffé is an easy exercise, with the condition that the horse enters the piaffé without struggle. The great error of many people is wanting to ask for the piaffé by force, and at that time the horse will defend himself.

So, very well I am going to ask my student to go near the wall taking the track on the right lead, and I am going to approach with my stick and I am going to help her. Take the track on the right lead, please, stop your horse very well straight. You procure to have your horse well light and well forward. I will approach the horse, a little more forward, acting sparingly with your legs putting the horse well straight, I approach the horse and pat him and I ask the Cavaleiro (rider) to take the position to piaffé.

A little more of right rein. Show him the stick a little. I will ask you to back up a little, back up. Back up a little to put once again the weight on the haunches. Stop and I approach, from the back up I will approach the horse from behind with my stick and just the gesture of showing the stick behind will make the horse piaffé.

If you want a little more elevation touch him one time with a little more energy in the top of the croup. Very well, release the reins and pat the horse.

Even if you aren't ready for piaffé work, this video is a great demonstration of working the horse in a calm, relaxed manner, even at the higher levels. It must be established in the beginning, calm, so try to emphasize that in your work this weekend.



The Neck Extension

I already know I'm going to get slammed for this video from anyone who fails to read the full post (it's a good way to filter comments sometimes .. ), but stay with me on this one. Fast forward the above video to 5 minutes in, which is where the magic begins to happen.

Ignore his enthusiasm, and that dreadful chair set set atop a saddle improperly fit to the horse. Look at the relaxed, forward, calm horse beneath him. This horse isn't bothered by a less-than-perfect rider or even by the saddle. He's relaxed, calm, forward.

Go make some mistakes, ride less than perfect, but don't forget to focus on bringing your horse along in a relaxed, calm and forward manner no matter where he is in his training. It's good for your horse's mind and body.



Lendon Gray & Seldom Seen, 1987 Retirement Ceremony

An oldie, but a goodie. This untraditional pair may not flash and dazzle like some of the modern Warmbloods, but this ride really shows a quality of Dressage that isn't often seen anymore – versatility.

Remember to take your horse out for a hack, go down the trail, set up obstacles to play around, try new things. The more diverse your training, the better trained your horse will be .. and in the long run the more fun you'll be able to have together.

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  1. It was absolutely fantastic to see here a video of Vedani! 😀 (and sorry for my english as I’m Italian)
    He’s one of those -rare, I sadly must say- who promotes “riding lightly” and who is trying to bring back the old ways of dressage, with kindness and method.
    Thanks! ^^

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