Is it possible to ride with such light rein and leg aids as to measure their force in grams?

The thought of 5 grams, the weight of a nickel, the weight at which muscles do not resist when pressed. A simple weight, a simple pressure, simple but not easy. To apply a mere 5 grams of pressure with the hand is nearly indistinguishable with no touch at all, it is subtle and short of any convincing force.

It's the weight at which we can palpate the physical pulses – that of the heart, the lungs, and the dura. It is a weight to aspire to, rather than aspire from. To touch and then relinquish that touch until we reach 5 grams. Try it, with a scale, set it to 5 grams and weight your hand pressure. Can you maintain it consistently? Do you find your hand jumps, it floats from too much to too little with such speed you feel it is not within your control at all but at it's own whim and fancy? Or do you find a steady hold at too much or too little, bearings unable to force more or less to bring it to the elusive 5?

After a recent Craniosacral session, and the conversation surrounding that of 5 grams, it has been ever present on my mind. I cannot say with certainty that I have ridden with only 5 grams of pressure, but I know that I have aspired unconsciously towards it, reaching within sights. But perhaps like the scale test, found myself unable to regulate the consistency, my body jumping to heights of too much or too little with speed and inaccuracy, taking turns with the effect of weight too much or too little consistent.

Anyone want to take a challenge with me? To ride with only 5 grams? Bring yourself to feel pressure, and move away slowly, release that pressure, focusing on the beat of the heart or the lungs, or the dura. Focus until you feel it, until you've been able to release enough that the flow fills that vacuum. Let's challenge one another.

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