A dapple gray Arabian walks around a grassy round pen.

Struggling with round penning your horse? Ever thought you might benefit from the natural horsemanship technique but not sure how to get started?

Just one step above the methods used when science proved round pen methods are a joke, this little rooster proves just how simple round penning your horse can be.

If I had to use round penning, I'd rather take a cue from this bird's calm demeanor compared to a few “professional” techniques I've seen…

But really, try not to take yourself too seriously and in those moments you feel frustrated just make a mental note of this video and laugh at the fact you've probably been out-done a few times as a trainer by a mere chicken.

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  1. Disagree this time. This video proves none of the points that you are trying to make. It’s just that some people who use round penning are shouting at the horse rather than whispering.

  2. People say” you can’t make a horse do anything it does not want to do” as a reasoning for actions and why they believe most of their interactions are non aggressive…it takes so little to control a horse or make him submit and still cooperate..to me this is not the same as being a willing participant..if a rooster can control a horse with its actions,I need to be extra careful that my actions are not over speaking.

  3. Yup, that rooster has more “horse sense” than a bunch lots of folks I see working with their equines….hysterical.

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