"WAR HORSE"DM-AC-00034Albert (Jeremy Irvine) and his horse Joey are featured in this scene from DreamWorks Pictures' "War Horse", director Steven Spielberg's epic adventure for audiences of all ages, and an unforgettable odyssey through courage, friendship, discovery and wonder.Ph: Andrew Cooper, SMPSP©DreamWorks II Distribution Co., LLC.  All Rights Reserved.

It still surprises me when I see riders who behave in a position of authority over their horse. I am still hammering the words out in my mind to explain so give me a moment.

By authority I mean that they expect their horse to automatically understand what they want, and when it does not happen they punish the horse. There is no leniency, no room in which they think, “maybe the horse didn't understand what I was asking of him.”

I believe that it is a natural learning curve we go through, but it is not rank beginners I am talking about. Rather riders who are in turn teaching others how to ride and train, those in an authority position. Their behavior then dictates their students to be stuck in this paradigm even longer; perhaps forever.

Somewhere along the way I managed to get fed a piece of humble pie in regards to horses and I am proud to say I carry it with me. Those equestrians who are likewise very modest and humble in regards to how they interact with their horses are the few I look up to with respect. It is my hope to see more of this humble pie passed around the table and for equestrians to develop themselves, not even as equals but as students of the horse.

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