And pushing 91! Hopefully Ken Hobday will provide some inspiration for your weekend; you're never too old to call yourself an equestrian, and a skilled one too!
Have you ever thought about how long your riding career will last?
And pushing 91! Hopefully Ken Hobday will provide some inspiration for your weekend; you're never too old to call yourself an equestrian, and a skilled one too!
Have you ever thought about how long your riding career will last?
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I've been riding since I was 9, and in love with horses from the day I was born. Living in Washington with my horse and 5 dogs.
Do you think of yourself as your horse’s leader? Do you expect your horse to willingly follow you (literally and figuratively)? Sometimes we let our ego get so full of itself, we believe just showing up…
I believe that it is a natural learning curve we go through, but it is not rank beginners I am talking about. Rather riders who are in turn teaching others how to ride and train, those in an authority position. Their behavior then dictates their students to be stuck in this paradigm even longer; perhaps forever.
Handling the lunge rope and the reins without gloves felt, well, awful. It simply did not run freely through my hands at will as they had when I wore gloves. My fingers seemed to almost stick incomprehensibly to the reins or the lunge line at the most inappropriate times, truly compromising the signals I was attempting to make. They fumbled and fought against one another in an effort to the correct the sticky fingers problem to no avail.
The essential ingredient in a horse who develops into a well balanced, collected, light horse with a beautiful and correct head position.. is forward. We all hear it told from instructors and riders alike, “MORE FORWARD!” What does that mean? What is forward?
There’s this idea, which is so prevalent among equestrians, and in many other niche groups as well, that critique or criticism of anyone or thing in the group is inherently evil. Especially if you aren’t a…
Simon Sinek presents a fascinating idea – a different perspective towards inspiration and leadership. As equestrians we’re more than just riders or passengers in the saddle. We are also leaders for our horses and for…
Ken’s attitude is remarkable, moving, to be praised and admired by, both, young and not so young people. But such an attitude, as we can perceive in the video, is not limited to his equestrian love. What is really admirable is the cause: his inner strength to demonstrate (to himself!) that he can, that he can do whatever he wants to achieve and enjoy, irrespective of possible obstacles such as being 91. An applause for Ken!