Most equestrians have been involved in at least one online horse community long enough to have met a few trolls.

And I dare say, most of us have also had an opportunity to see something we don't agree with; but we avoid saying anything as we begin imagining what kind of trolls will crawl out of the wood-work this time.

Even owning your own outlet (ahem..) doesn't guarantee you'll be free from attack for stating your opinion.

Let's take a moment to identify some of the worst forms of trolling behavior out there.

1. SEALIONING is when an uninvited stranger pops into your conversation and peppers you with unsolicited and insincere questions. The sealion (politely) (insincerely) demands evidence for even the most (obvious) (even a 5 year old could grasp this concept) statements and insists that you justify your opinions until they're satisfied. This satisfaction will never arrive since the questions are made in bad faith. The sealion is basically the self-appointed “good cop” in an interrogation for a crime you didn't commit.

2. CONCERN TROLLING is when harassers pose as fans or supporters with the intention of masking their hostility in pseudo-displays of “constructive criticism.” When targeting equestrians, this is most often done through “helpful” suggestions on how to improve one's (riding) (training) (open-mindedness towards something you morally disagree with, you know – like outright horse abuse). The concern troll's disingenuous comments are actually designed to undercut or demean you. Also, accusations of hypocrisy are the bread and butter of this kind of troll.

3. GISH GALLOPING is a device used to distract the conversation. The gish galloper will flood you with falsehoods and (small) (nit pick-y) arguments or unrelated details. These assertions will be loaded with implied accusations. They may be rephrased over and over again, but essentially boil down to the same, meaningless, points. Don't get confused, these are not sincere concerns! Rather, these petty comments are meant to distract and overwhelm you by wasting your (time) (energy) (emotions) on disingenuous arguments. Best to stick to the core issues you are discussing and ignore this troll altogether.

4. DOGPILING, let's just imagine it as the pile of steaming dog poo it really is. Dogpiling occurs when a group collectively works together using dozens of tactics at once to overwhelm you through sheer volume, clogging and choking online accounts with a cascade of disingenuous questions, insults, slurs, threats, and more. When a large group comes together to try to collectively shame, harass, or discredit you, it's also called a cyber mob. The goal is to silence, discredit, and humiliate you by creating an online environment so unbearable that you're driven offline.

5. GASLIGHTING, one of the most psychologically damaging types of harassment, is when serial abusers present false information or a false narrative to make you doubt your own memory, perceptions, sanity, or professional knowledge. The harassers are attacking you and simultaneously sending the message that their behavior is not actually abusive. This intentional confusion can lead you to internalize feelings of self-doubt and uncertainty about your own reality.

Gaslighting is essentially your troll(s) working to make you believe “it's all in your head.” They may also say “just ignore it,” “it's not real,” “it's just the internet,” “toughen up,” and “grow a thicker skin,” in regards to their online harassment.

Trolls, get some self control.

Here's the thing, if people are willing to behave this way in a semi-public sphere that the internet is.. it becomes horrifying to think of how they behave in private towards their horses. And not just the actions, but the justifications.

As always, it's good to self-check ourselves. Are you a troll? Am I?

Apparently I (haven't) (won't) (can't) learn to bite my tongue and censor my opinions so the trolls will just have to (deal) (pout) (comment) (cry like little babies bitches).

Are you willing to be censored?

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  1. I experienced gish galloping from the source a number of years ago–I debated the creationist Duane Gish. I stayed on message and didn’t even respond to most of what he said. The one time he got me was my genuine shock at the news that the ichthyologist Colin Patterson had died, but he came across as a condescending fool by suggesting that the dead Dr. Patterson now knew the truth or falsity of evolution.

  2. Five types of Trolls, and such accurate descriptions. Sadly Trolls aren’t just on-line, at least the real, in-your-face ones aren’t hiding behind an anonymous on-line shield. Time to go play with a pony.

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