Tennessee Walking Horses continue to face soring abuse after Republicans from the state block the PAST Act, or Prevent All Soring Tactics Act.

The PAST Act has been endorsed by virtually every animal health and equine group in the United States but is opposed 100-percent by the Republican representatives from Tennessee.
Roy Exum, Columnist for The Chattanoogan

Despite wide-spread support for the bill, Republican representatives have effectively blocked it. The sole supporter from Tennessee was Steve Cohen, a Democrat from Memphis.

The PAST Act (Prevent All Soring Tactics) was an effort to end the failed system of industry self-policing, ban the use of certain soring-related devices, strengthen penalties and hold involved parties accountable.

The most significant portion of the act was to end the corrupt self-policing practices that are currently allowed. Furthermore, prohibited devices would've included the metal chains, stacks and pads (aka “performance packages”).

Finally, the current HPA's misdemeanor criminal penalties would've been raised to felony-level, providing up to 3-years' jail time for each violation, and doubling potential fines.

Unfortunately it looks like Tennessee Republicans support horse abuse, or oblivious to the needs of their states' horse industry.

Thanks Tennessee Republicans, now Tennessee Walking Horses can look forward to more of this:

Source: Tennessee lawmakers under fire from soring critic
What Is The Horse Protection Act (HSUS)

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  1. Saying that they support horse abuse is illustrative of the problem with politics these days, and with society. Instead of looking to find common ground, it’s much easier to demonize the other side. They don’t support horse abuse; they support alternate legislation. And if the bill isn’t moving through, there are a lot of others who don’t support it.

    Why not find out what the issue is, and work to find common ground, instead of demonizing and driving the two sides farther apart?

  2. Honestly – just watching the “celebration” & the difference between the lone flat shod horse & those poor sad horses wearing those stacks & chains. Its pitiful. How anyone can watch one of those horses attempting to canter & not realize whats been done to them – I don’t understand. Apparently in 2012, only 5 of 15 horses passed the inspection. Looking at 4 of the 5 – I don’t know how they passed!!!

  3. The problem is that the big lick fans happen to have deep pockets, and they have made enormous contributions to Tennessee Republican politicians. These politicians don’t want to lose that money source. There is only a handful of people that support the big lick, but they happen to be wealthy. This is the sad truth. All major veterinarian groups like the AVMA, and the larges equine organizations such as the American Horse Council support passing the PAST act, which would get rid of those horrendous stacks and chains, and thus put an end to the big lick. The vast majority of Americans want to see this Act pass, yet a few Republicans are blocking the bill from coming to a vote. We have 60 Senators now on board, and over 300 Congressmen co-sponsoring the Act. We are so close to getting this done.

  4. Actually this bill has more bipartisan co-sponsors than ANY bill as of yet! 307 Rep. 60 Senators… The Past Act will pass IF brought to the floor for a vote! But you see not all in Washington work for truth, justice for all including animals! Pay offs to McConnell, Alexander, Marsha Blackburn who are all holding this bill! Speaker Boehner has also been paid by the Big Lick. Now he said he will not bring the Past Act to the floor unless it meets the Hastert Rule, last Friday it has met that rule!!! We shall see if Boehner is honest to his word, won’t we? The above article is right on the money!

    So sick, so dreadfully wrong on these politicians who are indeed supporting
    Abuse!!!! Yes they are bought and paid for!!!!

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