This gem is making the rounds about the internet today, Logan Allen is being publicly accosted for his abusive training methods.

Specifically speaking, Logan Allen tied his horse's legs up forcing the horse to lie on the ground, then proceeded to hose the horse down. As if that wasn't bad enough, there are images showing him doing this while also covering the horse with a tarp.

The internet is referring to it as horse waterboarding, which I believe is a reasonable comparison. Just the fact that the horse's legs are tied up to force him to the ground is enough to make me want to beat this ‘trainer' over the head with a poop shovel myself.

Let's talk about how this isn't an isolated incident of abuse by Logan Allen though. In fact, he's also taken the time before to post images showing him roping cattle and allowing his dogs to attack as they please.

This legendary cowboy is nothing more than a common jerk-off with no compassion towards the animals he's propped his livelihood upon.

Please take a few minutes to voice your opinion about his unacceptable abuses:

  1. Sign the Petition to Prosecute Logan Allen
  2. Contact the Mills County Sheriff, Eugene Goos, and request that Logan Allen be prosecuted for animal abuse.
2013 Iowa Horse Fair Colt Starting Challenge Winner Logan Allen
I wonder if he abused the horse he won the 2013 Iowa Horse Fair Colt Starting Challenge with too?


Ran across this commentary by Logan Allen, which really just makes be believe he needs to spend another decade learning from someone who really knows what they are doing. Maybe you should ask yourself what terrible things you're doing to a horse that hosing their legs down or the speed that their training is progressing which induces them to become violent.

Logan Allen responds to the pictures he posted showing obvious abuse.

Update May 13:

As if this issue needed more evidence, still more is coming to light.

First, Logan Allen is making the interview circuit to defend himself. He has the gall to say that his waterboarding treatment of that poor horse is a means of gaining the horse's trust. Yeah, he's that.fucking.delusional. I'm raging with anger over here that someone would have the balls to say this is a trust-building exercise.

Second, more images have come to light, that pretty well bury this guy should the law take even the slightest interest in pursuing his crimes. I mean, who takes a photo of a severed cow tongue and brags about his dog having chewed it off?! This douchebag, that's who.

Third, and the best news all day, is that ARM (Animal Recovery Mission) is pursuing this guy to put him in the ground! Learn more about ARM's investigation into Logan Allen's animal abuse and consider making a donation to ARM to support their efforts.

At the very least, please share the word with your equestrian friends and urge them to continue calling and emailing the Mills County Sheriff urging them to take this issue seriously.

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  1. in nearly 50 yrs of working with horses, I’ve never had a horse try to harm me, attack me, or be aggressive in any way. Treating them humanely, allowing them the time they need to process the cue, and progressing at the horse’s rate of learning goes a long way. It’s a slower start, but the end results speak for themselves. You end up with a confident, willing partner. Why on earth would anyone want anything other than that?

  2. How is it that his “stock” attacks him? How is it that they are act so aggressively toward him? Could to be HIM that’s causing these effects? I’ve found that when animals don’t like someone, I don’t like them either!

    1. Like, and agree wholeheartedly. I believe animals often sense things about people we’ve learned to ignore/discount/excuse that can be very telling about their underlying nature and ethics.

  3. I have made it my motto ..make humans safe for horses not horses safe for humans..that way I keep their welfare first.

    1. Love this! Too often we try to shape our horses to suit us when we’re the ones interfering with their lives and we should have to adapt to them as much as possible. 🙂

    2. Can I use these words It is so dang true we do need to make humans safe for horses cause we as humans are the ones who do the lasting damage to a horses mind and body. I hope and pray that Logan never has children he should not be propagating our species. Sad sad!

  4. Thank you for exposing this. There’s no excuse for that type of treatment but especially when done under the guise of “training.” Mr. Allen seems to be trying to compensate for something in his life. Despicable bastard.

  5. I couldn’t be more proud that I came foward and exposed this tyrant. Having so many good people from all over fighting for the right thing and not backing off is amazing. I am so proud of everyone what an amazing power of unity from all over. I don’t even understand why the sherrif is avoiding in wanting to take any action unless he feels the sam eway about animals.

    1. Big time kudos to you Nina!

      When I came forwards with video evidence of a woman beating her horse at a large horse fair, with several other witnesses to back it up, it was the same deal — local law authorities wanted nothing to do with it. When I spoke with the Sheriff in that incident he said flat out, unless the horse had a bleeding, open wound, from the incident there was little he was willing to do. We were able to get local news stations covering the issue and people were up in arms about this woman’s behavior, and it all ended with her receiving a fine in the sum of like $500. Basically a slap on the wrist.

      I really hope to see more serious consequences for people who not only abuse animals but have shown a history of repeated violence. I am very hopeful this will be the case in the Logan Allen incident with ARM stepping up to help see this abuser prosecuted.

  6. I hope people don’t forget this moron’s name. He needs to be put out of business. Anyone can dress up like a cowboy (except only a dork would wear that ‘flying nun’ hat and shove his jeans inside his boots) but that doesn’t make them a horseman. This guy must have been dropped on his head when he was born. I’ve never seen such an idiot. Just a piece of shit. I’ve handled aggressive horses and NEVER had to abuse them. You just have to be smarter than they are. This guy isn’t.

  7. I don’t think the whole story is here. This is exposing the guys probably worst looking points in time. No, I don’t think you should rush a horses training so that they are perfectly broke at only 2 or 3. But, do the horses that he has thoroughly worked with, the ones he shows or has “finished out” their training, are they fearful of him? Do they dislike him? Are they lame or injured? If these horses are perfectly sound, happy creatures, I don’t think this guy is the horrible cruel monster you all are so dramatically making him out to be. Some people understand a more rustic way of life. They don’t pamper their precious pony, they use them as a working partner.

    1. Worst moments in life that include tying your horse to the ground and hosing them down; not to mention roping cattle so your dogs can attack them (to the point of chewing their tongue off!?) I think is something altogether different from a person who simply doesn’t “pamper their precious pony”.

  8. This man needs to take a long hard look at himself. I am not as good a horsewoman as I would like to be but I have been around horses all my life. Not once have I ever had a horse be that aggressive to me. I have backed wild pony’s without ever needing to use harsh methods on them. The only horse I have ever come across who had some behavioural issues turned out to have a few medical issues once she wasn’t in pain anymore she was a sweet mare. This is not building trust this is teaching the horse learned helplessness and a good trainer once said teaching a horse with fear is never the answer as there will always be something they fear more than you. I hope they chuck the book at this guy, he is the true definition of narcissism.

  9. There are no excuses or justifiable reasons at all possible for this kind of treatment towards any living creature. These images leave me heartbroken.

  10. Shame on him for treating animals this way. What are we a Third World Country. How cruel and barbaric treating animals this way. This is a sick individual who does this and gets entertainment out of it. I am so glad that his horrible methods of dealing with animals are out in the open:(

  11. This technique of laying a horse down and tying his legs so he can’t get up is an old approach to dealing with a horse that did not respond to other techniques. But to use it and say it was used in the past as a way to justify using it now is totally unacceptable. We have learned a great deal about animal behavior in the past 50 years and one thing we have learned about techniques of this sort, where the animal is physically restrained and forced to submit to whatever he is scared of, creates learned helplessness in the animal. It is an abusive technique and should be left in the dustbin of the past along with the other things that were done to horses to force them to accept a saddle and rider. You do not have to whip a horse to abuse them.

  12. These are examples of shoddy and ignorant police work. As retired law enforcement, I am embarrassed by the sloppy work by the several law enforcement agents mentioned in the responses. Any professional officer would realize that animal abusers move on to other victims. In short, this thug is dangerous and is only getting started. In the future, when he is apprehended for actions considered “serious,” they’ll all act surprised. Really incompetent police work.

  13. This loser doesn’t hold a candle to some of the best in Working Cow Horse training…..namely, Bob Avila, Todd Bergen, Teddy Robinson, or Erin Taormino…..

    I’ve YET TO SEE any of them pull this complete bullshit on their competitive cow horse’s in training. Mr. Logan can keep is loser mouth shut. He needs a permanent injunction again him re: owning animals…..

  14. This idiot is just reinforcing the horse’s behavior. If you make an experience traumatic for a horse, he will do everything in his power to try to keep you from doing it again. I just can’t stand this macho “cowboy” idea that you need to force an animal into submission in order to get results, because in reality, it just makes them even more difficult.

  15. Poor Prickly pear is terrified of the rescue evaluator’s gentle hand.. Enough said!. That man ( Logan Allen) should be died down, bound until his legs have no circulation, dogs attacking his ears, mouth and tongue and hosed down until suffocating with a bag over his face and body.

  16. I have to do a debate so I have to go against proper training of horses anybody got any idea what I should say????

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