Grey horse in rollkur at the halt

If you want to be truly competitive, lauded for your achievements at awards ceremonies and even have a shot at Olympic Gold now is the time to learn Rollkur. But, there are a few key ingredients necessary for you to successfully implement Rollkur into your daily training regimen.

Qualities of top competition riders today, start studying and soon you'll be a champion too!

  • Ignore any of that foo-foo ideology that we're somehow connected to the horse on an emotional and spiritual level. Remember that we're the dominant species for a reason and that reason is to dominate! Take time to study the evidence of this so when these yokels start complaining about your riding you can back it up with solid reasoning and put them in their place. Of course they say you can't argue with a crazy person, but you can always have your facts straight.
  • Simple riding techniques are for simple-minded riders who lack the talent and drive to win, win, win! Be sure to complicate your riding style to prevent the lay-person from discerning what it is you're actually asking your horse to do. If it can be done with one rein aid you can certainly figure out saavy ways to add the other rein aid, both legs and lots of curb rein.
  • Physical strength defines your athletic prowess and ability. If you aren't the gym type you can always put a few dumbbells in your tack room for emergencies and to warm-up before and between rides. More is more and judges know that, so don't skimp on the daily reps or you're scores will be hurting! Rowing exercises for your core and back strength can also be highly effective.
  • Remember that only the craziest, most high-strung and highly-bred horses are suitable for winning at the International level anymore. Choose your horse(s) wisely and know that these are the horses that Rollkur was created for controlling and further enhancing their extravagant movement. Without these horses you won't win, and without Rollkur you can't compete on these horses without serious injury. Overall it's a win-win.


But I don't ride Dressage, can I still use Rollkur?

Of course! Rollkur has been used by top competitors in many other sports including show jumping and reining. So go saddle up your cow horse and get Rollkuring!

Western Rollkur

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