The FEI is a joke; an absolute, ridiculous joke.

Remember that time I called us idiotic children? It was only a few days ago…

This video so clearly outlines how the FEI treats concerned equestrians like idiots and children.

Like when you [hear] [overhear] [eavesdrop] an adult giving their kid some illogical and made-up reasons why they can't [have] [do] [try] something.

Or maybe that's how you deal with your child(ren) when they're asking “why, why, why, why, why?!” — oops!

The FEI has been attempting to contain the issue; flagrant horse abuse and welfare issues for over 10 years — and badly. How long before they just flat-out refuse press access to shows and limit access only to those who will play nicely I wonder.

Isabell Werth abusing her horse during a warm-up.
Isabell Werth is a professional rider who is still allowed to openly abuse her horse by yanking on the reins and injudiciously spurring him in punishment.


Remember, the FEI is allowing this kind of behavior from its riders because it profits off the abuse of horses. Think about that for a minute — The FEI profits from the abuse of horses.

A very disgusting joke if you ask me.

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  1. I love the FEI definition. I have also sent this to Hector the guy who is helping the BBC with a report about the FEI. I assume you have heard about his hard work.
    Thanks for posting this I am glad I made the time to forward the clip to you. 🙂

    1. Hi Natasha,

      Yes, Hector Carmona correct?

      I’m glad you sent it to me as well, since I’ve not see anyone else talking about it yet and it’s important they be aware of how the FEI is acting as a bully to the media now.

      Thanks, and have a great evening!

  2. How frustrating this situation is! I wonder if it’s possible to get HSI (Humane Society International) involved?

  3. Hi,
    interesting article you have written… When at international shows, there is actually a large difference between what is acceptable in the jumping arena, and the dressage arena. In most dressage arenas, there will be several show employees in every spectator area to keep the spectators from bothering the horses (standing too close, standing up and moving during a test, ringing cell phones, crying children, opening umbrellas, etc.) The first man you had contact to was clearly in the position of this job. (I have been employed by several competitions in Germany to do the same job) People don’t tend to like it, but it is necessary, and people should try to understand that. If there is a situation that we cannot handle, it is expected that a steward will be brought to the individuals to make a judgment weather or not they need to be escorted out. So in this sense, the fact that you did not adhere to what the first man was telling you, you only have your self to blame for the fact that the steward could not complete her job.

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