It's that time of the year, Midwest Horse Fair is happening in Madison, Wisconsin.

In commemoration I'd like to revisit the Cyndi Plasch incident from 2012, when she apparently lost her shit loading a horse on the trailer, got caught on video for it, and ultimately faced a fine.

The internet erupted when the video went public, with a lot of mixed opinions. Many were outraged, and a large group felt using a wiffle ball bat was of no issue.

I agree, the issue wasn't the wiffle ball bat and that is where people kept getting distracted.

It wasn't the tool, it was her use of it in such an uncontrolled and aggressive manner. Sure, a wiffle ball bat may soften the blow.. but is that really the effect when you're swinging for the fences repeatedly?

The Lesson

The reason Cyndi Plasch was fined for her actions at all was because the video was made so public. News stations were alerted and requested to make it part of their main broadcast, repeatedly.

When the county was originally contacted about the situation their response was excuse after excuse of why this would not be recognized as abuse; without watching the video. The county wanted nothing to do with the situation until their hand was forced to look into the matter more closely.

Why is this important? Because animal abuse is not yet taken seriously. Not by the law and not even by the authorities tasked with monitoring situations where horses may be harmed.

If you see something, don't just say something but have solid evidence to back it up.

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  1. Just another idiot horse owner who hasn’t taken the time or made the effort to trailer train her horse at home. She then loses her temper and instead of walking away to cool off she makes an absolute fool of herself. Obviously the bat is has very little effect on the horse and while it isn’t pleasant to watch, I’m not sure if I’d call it horrific abuse. This is mild compared to what is going on behind closed doors. One has to wonder if she carries it in her horse trailer routinely for these episodes since she’s obviously too lazy or ignorant to train her horse.
    Since we all carry cell phones now with handy cameras, we should all record and publicize what we see and put the names out there.

  2. I think FBI should make laws against bad parenting ! Kids shows anyone disrespect throw a felony on parents !

  3. What a skank bitch…too bad the horse didn’t take more than one opportunity to nail her …. says something about “his” disposition.

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