Author: Erica Franz

I've been riding since I was 9, and in love with horses from the day I was born. Living in Washington with my horse and 5 dogs.
Developing strength of character as an equestrian does not mean giving up on your artistic or creative self but instead acknowledging the difficulties, facing them and moving forward.

Week 8 : Recovering A Sense of Strength

This week tackles another major creative block: time. You will explore the ways in which you have used your perception of time to preclude taking creative risks. You will identify immediate and practical changes you can make in your current life. You will excavate the early conditioning that may have encouraged you to settle for far less than you desire for your life.

Equestrians often deprive themselves of self abundance, self indulgence, self care for their creative nature.

Week 6 : Recovering A Sense of Abundance

This week you tackle a major creative block: money. You are asked to really look at your own ideas around Life, Money, and creative abundance. The essays will explore the ways in which your attitudes limit abundance and luxury in your current life. You will be introduced to counting, a block-busting tool for clarity and right use of funds. This week may feel… Volatile.

Artist and architect, Durand Seay, incorporates symbols of balance, serenity and spirituality to transform space into form, while evoking a sense of natural movement and temporal abstraction. His Paintings are inspired by a fascination with structures found in nature; and at times, the work becomes surreal, exploring the subconscious mind through fantastic imagery. With his intuitive character, the art is guided by spontaneity and expresses a sensual and abstracted language.

Week 5 : Recovering a Sense of Possibility

This week you are being asked to examine your pay-offs in remaining stuck. You will explore how you curtail your own possibilities by placing limits on the good you can receive. You will examine the cost of settling for appearing good instead of being authentic. You may find yourself thinking about radical changes, no longer ruling out your growth by making others the cause of your constriction.

Parelli horsemanship and other methods that promote the idea of 'winning' and dominance do a great disservice to both horse and rider in their care.

Winning Every Training Session

“I had broken the contract. I had let personal feelings dictate my actions every time we encountered. Not once did I ever turn and simply ride off, without first giving chase. My father, bumbling and slow as I thought of him when it came to herding cattle, had almost corralled her and, except for the antics of a well meaning hunter, would have. She had fulfilled her part of the contract, She had, in spite of her wildness, given me a calf every year. In fact, as I learned the next day, She had renewed her end of it, for she had been pregnant. I, in return, had caused her death simply to show her who was boss. I sure enough showed her.”

Horses mature skeletally slower than most equestrians or vets commonly believe.

Download : Dr. Deb Bennett on Horse Maturation Rate

If you’re unfamiliar with the article, I cannot recommend enough that you read it cover to cover to better understand the true rate of skeletal maturation in the horse. Also why it is a bad idea to start 2 year olds under saddle.

For those who are already familiar, this is an updated version of the old, original article. You could also print out a few copies to have on hand to share with other equestrians who question why you haven’t “just started” your horse already.