Horse Painting

While living outside of Seattle, working and learning more about French Classical Dressage, I was also given the opportunity to work through the Artist's Way program. It had been tailored towards the art of equitation, each week's purpose spun just slightly so we could see more clearly that what we do every day with our horses is in fact art.

It's easy to forget this, and it's easy to lose our creativity as we work hard to perfect a movement or progress towards collection.

It's also very easy for us as equestrians to limit our views of what is possible based on our past experiences, the views passed onto us from our instructors and other riders we're surrounded with.

I've been wanting to journey through the pages of the Artist's Way by Julia Cameron many times since then, but by special request I've decided to invite you along as well.

If you don't already have a copy please pick one up. They can be found in many ‘local' chain book stores like Borders and also on Amazon. Smaller book stores might also have some copies given how popular the book is.

Once you have your copy read through the Introduction and Basic Tools sections.

I'll be posting the next week's section each Monday and asking for you to share your thoughts, experiences and any struggles you might be wading through from the previous week in the comments section. Remember you can also share photos when you post comments if you'd like to share anything visual from your week's journey.

Joining in? Introduce yourself in the comments and share what you're hoping to get out of this 12-week journey!


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  1. oooh i LOVE the artists way and have been meaning to get back to it. this is the perfect little push i needed 🙂

    i would be interested to learn more about the program you did that made it more equestrian minded. that is very interesting!

    okay, onto the intro:

    i’m mindy schroder. i have 2 kids, one husband, 2 dogs, 2 cats, 2 goats, and soon 2 horses. i just have the one horse now, Billy Blaze who is a north american curly horse, of the extreme variety 😉 he is so much fun and makes me laugh all the time. except for when we don’t understand each other and then things get a bit confusing. i write about that on my blog at and get lots of support from my online friends!

    what i’m hoping to get…. i would LOVE to be re-inspired to get back into writing my book of essays. i have stalled out and feel that it’s time to jump back in, but am a bit lost. i would LOVE to be inspired to step out with my camera and document my days a bit more. i’ve fallen out of step with that as well. (though getting a new puppy can make a person feel quite tired and worn out so i have been giving myself a bit of a break during the potty training time…)

    thank you for this idea! i’m quite excited about it 😉

    1. Welcome Mindy!

      I remember seeing photos of Billy since he was a foal and what a handsome boy he’s grown up to be. 🙂

      Wonderful creative goals, I look forward to seeing how your journey progresses here! I encourage you to take this first week as practice for reigniting the habit of Morning Pages. Since you’ve already done the Artist’s Way you’ll be familiar with these. If you want a little refresher I will be posting a brief on Morning Pages & the Artist’s Date tomorrow.

    2. Welcome Mindy!

      I remember seeing photos of Billy since he was a foal and what a handsome boy he’s grown up to be. 🙂

      Wonderful creative goals, I look forward to seeing how your journey progresses here! I encourage you to take this first week as practice for reigniting the habit of Morning Pages. Since you’ve already done the Artist’s Way you’ll be familiar with these. If you want a little refresher I will be posting a brief on Morning Pages & the Artist’s Date tomorrow.

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